Earleywood is the ideal site for many different traditional "Scouting" activities - limited only by your own resources and imagination. Here are just a few ideas to get you started - Backwoods cooking, Bivouacs, Section Activity Days, Blindfold trails, Campfire, Craft activities, Environmental activities.
We also offer orienteering (book under 'outdoor experience'), Mini Golf (Summer only), Archery (and Soft archery), Air rifle shooting, Traversing wall, Climbing and Crate Stacking.
After Easter 2024 we have renewed our course.
Downloadable Activity Packs:
Orienteering 1,2 and leaders guide
Paw prints orienteering
Tree identification.

We have a climbing tower that is available to book by the hour. To use the climbing tower you will either need to provide your own qualified instructor with equipment or we can provide one for you if you book in advance.
It is recommended to allow for 8 people to climb per hour.

Traversing WALL
We have a traversing wall which you can book.

You will be securely attached to a belay point and will then have to attempt to elevate yourself by alternately using 2 stacks of crates. These crates are held together using only gravity, so will become increasingly wobbly as you get higher and higher. Suitable for all ages.
Eventually, gravity will win and the crates will fall from underneath you. You, however, will be safely lowered to the ground by your instructor.

We have NSRA YPS Tutor qualified instructors available to run your shooting session or you can instruct yourselves if your instructor meets the Scout Association minimum requirements.
All Young People using the range must have permission from a parent or legal guardian, and all Adults attending the range must sign the section 21 form indicating that they are not a prohibited person.